Replacing a VW Crafter Gear Knob
This guide is for VW crafter only (the VWT5 is different) and will require a gear knob of mine in the lift reverse / reverse lockout shape and the 12mm straight shaft adaptor.
This process does destroy the OEM knob as it is pressed onto a knurled shaft and we could not pull it off by had so it had to be cut using a small hacksaw.

Having someone hold the shaft while doing this does make it easier.

The shaft without the gear knob.

Once the gear knob is removed you need to slide on the adaptor and tighten the 3 set screws.

Now screw on the gear knob and if you need to set the rotation so the engraving is at the correct orientation you need to unscrew the gear knob and rotate the adaptor so when the gear knob fitted the engraving is at the correct orientation.
You can check reverse mechanism is functioning properly at this point as well and if the gear knob needs to be higher or lower on the shaft by undoing the set screws and moving the adaptor on the shaft.

This knob is:
- Skateboard - Orange and Black
- Lift reverse shape
- Gloss finish
- Spherical top engraving
- 6 Speed reverse left and down
- Partial silver fill
- 12mm Straight shaft adaptor
If you have any questions do let me know by reaching out through my contact page.